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Homeschooling in South Carolina: Library Resources

Homeschooling 101
Books to help you get started

Public Service Announcement

PSA: The Oconee County Public Library does NOT charge fines on children's materials, like E and J books and audiobooks.

Find It at Your Library!

As a homeschooling family, the public library is one of your greatest resources. Check out these fantastic resources available for free with your Oconee County Public Library card!

If you don't have a library card, visit our website to begin your registration.

FREE eBooks and Audiobooks

Book Kits

Literacy Kits


Each kit contains

  • Multiple books on various reading levels
  • Hands-on reading skill games to boost understanding
  • Comprehension questions to discuss with children as they read

Children can begin at any level and progress through all the kits and levels to improve reading fluency and comprehension.

Literacy Kits are available at all four library branches and on the Bookmobile. You can

  • Check them out for four weeks on any library card (including kids' cards)
  • Renew them if there are no holds
  • Check out multiple kits – there are no checkout limits

For more information, visit our Literacy Kit LibGuide.

Storytime Kits


Storytime kits are just what they sound like – collections of books and activities with a central theme that help you create meaningful literary experiences with your child. With kit themes like counting, colors, ABCs, and much more, you and your little ones are sure to find a fun kit to take home and enjoy.

Each kit comes with several picture books, an interactive toy, a suggested craft, and a tip sheet featuring songs, rhymes, and activities caregivers can use to supplement the materials and have their very own storytime at home, or in the park, or on the go!  The kits have been thoughtfully developed to build important early literacy skills in young children.  Engaging in a variety of storytime activities – both at home and at the library – builds a foundation for life-long reading skills.

Find Storytime Kits in the library catalog

Fun FREE Websites

These resources are free, but many of them are password-protected.  If you have any difficulty accessing a website, call or email an Oconee County Public Library branch, and we can help you log in.