ProQuest has partnered with to create Ancestry® Library Edition, one of the most important genealogical collections available today. It has unparalleled coverage of the United States and the United Kingdom, including census, vital, church, court, and immigration records, as well as record collections from Canada, Europe, Australia and other areas of the world! This collection, with thousands of databases and billions of indexed names, is essential to having a broad genealogy collection, and its valuable content is a strong complement to HeritageQuest® Online.
What's new in Ancestry Library Edition? UPDATED SEARCH PAGES!
Ancestry offers powerful search features to help you control the results you get from your searches. We are making a few updates to our search forms to make searching more intuitive and to help you more easily locate your ancestor. Give us five minutes and Ancestry Anne will show where to find all of your favorite features, and introduce you to some features you may have been missing.
Click the link below to watch the video.
Ancestry Library Edition is available on all of the OCPL's public internet computers at any OCPL branch, and on any device connected to our wireless Internet (Wi-Fi). It is only available at the library. Just go to This resource cannot be accessed from home.
You are able to print out your search results. Printouts are $0.15 per page (or side) for black ink, and $0.50 per page for color. Search results may also be emailed to an address of your choice.